Thursday 21 April 2016

Enjoying the right way

Speeding cars killing people, policing horse beaten to severe injuries, President rule in Uttrakhand - The newspaper is full of such stories of people misusing their power. Such incidents are not just limited to our country or our society but is a worldwide concern.

The young man driving the premium car is thrilled by speed. The MLA beating the policing horse during a protest by his party is venting his anger on an animal. Centre acting hastily on the slightest opportunity to increase their reign is leveraging the opportunity at hand. But did the young man think that his thrill can bring darkness to lives of bereaved and that he will never be able to make up for it? His conscience will be tainted forever even if he manages to escape punishment. Did the lawmaker not think of his responsibility towards his people while giving in to his frustration? And what about the Centre? With great power comes great responsibility, will the Centre act wisely only when they are pushed against the wall by High Court?

Unfortunately we have lost the inclination to sense other's position today. We are so lost in instant gratification that we jeopardize our own dreams forget about respecting other's point of view. Ironically we lose our inner strength the more we give in to such gratifications. Life can be interesting even when led responsibly but do we have the zeal to discover this for ourselves? Probably when life will push us against the wall. 


  1. It is difficult for the 17 year old to feel guilty about what he did. He will just be afraid about his career and life ahead, but had he grown up with moral education, he won`t have committed such act. It is sad that parents don`t understand this and have to face the result of their deeds afterwards.

    Similarly, about others, it is more about the way they are brought up and the environment they interact with. One can stay away from Greed and Arrogance only if he is careful about it.

  2. Yes right. You have hit the nail on the head.
